Bethesda Pediatrics is continually working to navigate the best health practices during this challenging time of the coronavirus pandemic. We understand and share our families' concerns in balancing the need for routine well care and immunizations with the potential risks associated with exposure outside the security of our own homes. Your health and safety are our number one priority! In addition to the implementation and increased utilization of telemedicine visits, Bethesda Pediatrics is thrilled to introduce an additional new service: our curbside vaccine clinic.
As supported by the American Academy of Pediatrics, our office continues to encourage onsite wellness visits at ages that require routine vaccinations (prioritizing newborn to 2 years of age, also recommended at 4 years, 11-12 years, and 16-18 years of age). We truly believe this is safe, as the Cabin John Mall building where we are located is still closed for general business and we have strict infection control measures in place. Still, so many parents have continued to express concern about bringing their children out of the house and into a medical environment. Rather than defer a check up entirely, we are happy to work with you and suggest a telemedicine visit with a follow up at our curbside vaccine clinic for any needed immunizations.
We have created a satellite "office" set up downstairs in the lobby of the Mall building with a separate, secure, private entrance for the sole purpose of vaccinating patients after they have had a telemedicine check up appointment. You'll call when you arrive and wait comfortably in your car until a staff member readies the vaccines and opens the door for you, just steps from the curb, Enter directly into our clinic tent, have the vaccines administered, and quickly leave without exposure to anything or anyone else!
This clinic is being utilized exclusively for healthy children needing vaccines. NO SICK PATIENTS OR PARENTS WILL BE ALLOWED IN THIS AREA. Only one patient family will be present at any time, and all surfaces will be cleaned thoroughly between patients. We are very excited to offer this service and hope you find this a helpful solution to meet your family's needs!
See photos of our Curbside Clinic here
