Bethesda Pediatrics can now offer on-site Covid-19 testing without restriction to all of our patients! We had previously limited testing to those who were symptomatic or had known exposure based on availability of testing supplies and PPE, but we are now able to provide this service for all of our patients' needs, including school clearance and travel related requests. As a reminder, all tests are done by appointment only and are scheduled in the afternoon session. We offer both rapid antigen and PCR tests. Our PCR tests have generally been resulted within 36 hours, especially when collected Monday through Thursday. Please call our office at 301.299.8930 to schedule an appointment any time your family needs Covid-19 testing.
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Phone: (301) 299-8930
Fax: (301) 299-8933
After Hours: (240) 638-9739
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Bethesda Pediatrics
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