As the number of cases of COVID-19 continues to climb worldwide, many parents have posed questions about exposure, protection and symptoms. Our understanding of this illness is evolving. We will continue to share details with you.
How many cases are there in the US?
This number changes throughout the day. The most RELIABLE websites include:
CDC. Gov (Centers for Disease Control)
WHO (World Health Organization)
How can I protect my family?
-WASH YOUR HANDS WITH SOAP (while singing the ABC's or Happy Birthday song), use hand sanitizer with over 60% alcohol content
-Stay home when you or your child is sick/feverish. We recommend being fever free for AT LEAST 24 hours. The incubation periods is up to 14 days.
-Clean and disinfect all frequently touched object, INCLUDING shared electronics.
-Avoid touching eyes, face, mouth, nose with unwashed hands
-Cough and sneeze into YOUR ELBOW or a tissue. Throw the tissue away right after use (and wash hands again)
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
-Fever, cough, shortness of breath, very similar to cold symptoms. This seems to NOT be a childhood illness. Most confirmed cases are in older adults.
-Spread via air droplets. If you're within 6 feet away of an infected person who coughs and sneezes, you can inhale the droplets.
-The risk of catching it from a person without symptoms is very low
Is there a treatment?
As of today, there are no clear treatment modalities other than supportive care. Antibiotics DO NOT work on viruses.